Urology In-Service and Board Review – The Essential and Concise Study Guide (Errata)

Urology In-Service and Board Review – The Essential and Concise Study Guide bookYou have reached the errata webpage for the book, Urology In-Service and Board Review – The Essential and Concise Study Guide, by Jason Fisher, DO. Errors are unfortunately unavoidable in a dense summary book with complex material. BMED Press will continue to publish any errors, minor or major, as they are discovered or reported to us. Please occasionally check this webpage for updated errata information. We believe that this book is the best urology in-service and board review study guide on the market, and your welcomed feedback (corrections, suggestions, etc.) will help to make it even better! All errata discovered in this first edition book will be automatically updated in future editions.


The bold, underlined word is the correction of error.

Last updated: 01/25/2016

Page 32 (within the table): The origin of the superior adrenal artery is the inferior phrenic.

Page 74: Due not allow vaginal delivery as this may cause sudden, massive catecholamine release.

Page 134: NOTE: M1b = bone

Page 134: (within the table): A high risk PSA is > 20

Page 283: (Description of Thiazide mechanism of action [MOA]): MOA – Inhibits reabsorption of NA and CL in the distal tubule, while increasing calcium reabsorption in the distal tubule. This leads to diuresis and decreased calciuria, respectively.

Page 285: Renal or resorptive hypercalciuria: elevated PTH

Page 289 (within the table): RTA causes “basic” urine (NOT acidic urine)

Page 314: Retrograde urethrogram:  “Pie-in-the-sky” bladder

Page 314: The box title should be “Retrograde Urethrogram (RUG)”

Page 322: Arterial supply to the penis: common iliac, internal iliac, then anterior division of internal iliac, internal pudendal, etc., etc.

Page 349: Semen analysis: Teratospermia, Asthenospermia, Oligiospermia

Page 374: Sx: Primary amenorrhea, infertility, upper urinary tract abnormalities (most common renal abnormality is a solitary kidney; may be ectopic)

Page 388: Uncomplicated, inpatient or complicated: IV levofloxacin; gentamicin plus ampicillin

Page 429: Recurrent gross hematuria in the young adults during an upper respiratory infection or exercise.

To purchase Urology In-Service and Board Review – The Essential and Concise Study Guide, please go here.

We are enormously grateful to Dr. Eric Chapman for his contributions to the discovery of much of this errata. We also would like to thank Dr. Michael Levin for numerous and helpful suggestions.